On The Radar: NOTmixedEnough

“I’m Notmixedenough, a recording artist, songwriter, and aspiring videographer born and raised in St. Louis, MO. My name represents my ethnic background and stems from conflicted feelings of being too much or too little of either race. It also comes from my struggles to connect with others because I felt I didn’t have certain social qualities or knowledge to heighten their interest in me.
I started writing when I was 10 years old for no purpose at all at the most random times of the day. It wasn’t until August 2019 that I recorded a song for the very first time. I have since learned that music is where I truly deliver and where people will get to know me on a deeper level. Despite creating and releasing 2 albums & 3 music videos just this year, in 2020, there’s still plenty of layers to cut through for the world to see and hear.”
Out the Jeep:
NotMixed Enough is a native of St. Louis.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/notmixedenough
Instagram: @notmixedenough